Friday, 28 February 2014

John Stezaker

There is one piece of work I am looking at in relation to my project that work  is called "Moving Image". His work features males or females in a black and white portrait from a 50's film still and has glued over the top a postcard of a landscape. The alignment of his work is key, for example this image below of the couple about the kiss. The use of the cliff as the jaw and the foliage as the eyebrows and even the light difference between the people and the background is the same. There are many juxtapositions in his images such as colour/ black and white, male/ female and portrait and landscape.

I find Stezaker's work really imaginative and clever to make such similar shapes from the landscape as the face. I wanted to add his work to my research as he does hide the identity of these people and I find the style of the mix media of putting another image on top of the original is clever. Although the style is different to my work the use of covering the face is the same I guess our intentions are both the same. 

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