Saturday, 15 February 2014

Images Taken

These three images above are all done digitally on Photoshop I have used a brush which I think gives a great affect to paint i have used bright colours and only covered the face. Theses portraits are all quite close up and only show the face and chest. I wanted to do this to see how I preferred them to a full length image of a person. 

This image has turned out with a strange blur to the image but I wanted to add it to the list to show the use of the tool I used on Photoshop and that it gives the effect of paint/spray can. This image is more close up then the others and I only sprayed one side and showed the outline of the face on the right or I think there wouldn't be much to see and for the viewer to work out what it was.  

The above two photos i used a more dotty brush which does give the effect of paint been flicked and brushed over the face. I used two different colours of the paint to add depth and to make the colour no seem flat and bland. The bottom image i kept the eye uncovered I tried this technique as i have seem something similar in Wys work and I find in interesting revealing a small part of the person as with out it is does look like a nude person, unknowing to the gender. 

This image I find the mixture of the colours gives the impression that it is done digitally and not paint the outline of the strokes does the but block colours work best to create the full look of paint i find. 

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