Thursday, 20 February 2014

Images Taken

I took these set of images in the studio, i wanted to uses fashion related images as they have to be all pristine and look perfect but i wanted to make them different by covering the face in a mix media way for example like the images above with the paint. Although in Wys and Robson's work the contrast between old paintings and the bright modern look of paint and graphic design. I think the contrast between the pristine model and the messy paint creates an interesting contrast. 

The above images are all done on Photoshop and i used contrasting colours to make the paint on the face stand out.

I added extra paint around the image to add more interest to the image almost like a messy boarder like the artist has accidentally dropped paint around the edges. 

For this image i used a spray paint effect brush and held it over the face to cover and in other areas to add to the look of a messy image. 

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