Sunday, 26 January 2014


Term 2, My project brief is Portraiture. I am going to be focusing on the word Identity. The reason for this is i am particularly interested in the fact that our faces are all unique and without them we couldn't show our individuality. I am going to be looking at a number of photographers and artists who create work relating to my topic and will be experimenting with different medias to see which shows idea well. I will be photographing males and females as i want a variety of people to show as many different characters as i can.

In relation to different medias i will be using paint and other materials to hide the persons distinct facial features. In addition i am going to be scanning in some very old film. Using the people in them images to hide their identity and experimenting using Photoshop to hide the persons face which as a result will hide their identity. My intentions for this project is simply to have a group of final images showing a person who has no identity an i want the viewer to be able to get a grasp of my intentions. I want my blog to show how i have progressed in my work i do have ideas of how i want my work to go but i have learnt recently it could go in any direction as i get more ideas and questions asked that takes me down a different path.

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